Pioneers and Planting

Lay Pioneers in the Diocese

Revd Dave Battison is a trained pioneer minister.  As a part-time part of the Mission Team he is supporting pioneering and Fresh Expressions across the Diocese.

So how can Dave help? In particular he could work alongside you and your parish(es) to:

  • connect with people who don't come to church

  • identify and support the pioneering type of people all across society, especially identifying with lay people who are pioneering already - or who have pioneered in the past

  • advise with new initiatives that are crucial for developing lay pioneer ministers in our Diocese; new initiatives that are developed 'on the ground' in the different parishes

Dave can help clergy and lay people develop their initiatives and understanding of the pioneer mindset, and he is always looking for Good News stories from around the Diocese about your new initiatives.

More information about Pioneering and New Initiaitves can be found here.

Lay Pioneer Certificate 

If you are interested in The Pioneer Certificate you can download an information pack here



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