Most of the work of a PCC Treasurer is straightforward and there is help available for areas that you might find slightly more complex. If you are new to the role, then please read our welcome letter.
Getting started
Guide for PCC Treasurers
The Parish Resource website is a comprehensive website maintained by the Stewardship & Resources team of the Church of England and covers all aspects of PCC finances. The following pages are particularly helpful for new PCC Treasurers:
What all PCC members – as charity trustees – need to know about managing PCC finances
The Charity Commission has published a series of '5 minute guides' covering the 'core syllabus' of basics that trustees need to know. The first of these guides, managing charity finances, is particularly relevant for PCC Treasurers but is applicable to all trustees. We strongly recommend you read this, and make use of the additional links and guidance from this page.
As the Charity Commission points out, 'as a trustee you must take steps to make sure that your charity’s money is safe, properly used and accounted for. Every trustee has to do this. Even if your charity has an expert to manage its finances, you are still responsible for overseeing your charity’s money.'
Key responsibilities are to: | The other ' 5-minute guides' are: |
Protect your PCC's money |
Know your PCC's financial position |
Keep accurate financial records |
Manage expenses and payments to trustees |
Deal with financial problems quickly |
Accounting and Reporting
PCC Accountability: The Charities Act 2011 and the PCC (5th edition, 2017)
This excellent book produced by the Church of England contains everything you'll need to know about preparing the year-end accounts including a full set of example accounts. The contents can be read on-line.
Further accounting and reporting guidance can be found on the PCC Accounts and Return of Parish Finance page of the website.
Registration with the Charity Commission
A PCC's 'gross income' will determine when it needs to register with the Charity Commission and comply with charity law. Refer to the dedicated page on the Parish Resources site for further guidance: Charities Act requirements for PCC registration.