
“As people of faith, we don’t just state our beliefs — we live them out. One belief is that we find purpose and joy in loving our neighbors. Another is that we are charged by our creator with taking good care of his creation. The moral crisis of climate change is an opportunity to find purpose and joy, and to respond to our creator’s charge. Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbor and to steward the gift of creation.”

Archbishop Justin Welby, 2017 READ MORE

Do you want to make some changes within your parish to better care for God’s creation? Our team want to help you with your journey to Net Zero.

Do you have good news stories about how you are caring for the environment within your parish? No matter how big or small, do get in touch and let us know. We love to hear from you and share what you are doing, which in turn will help inspire others in their journey.

a white cross lying on leaves

Eco Church

Eco Church is an amazing award created by A Rocha UK and is completley free of charge for parishes to use. It is a vital first step in our journey to net zero.

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footprints formed of emissions from chimneys

Energy Footprint Tool

The Energy Footprint Tool is a great way of monitoring your church building’s carbon usage and energy efficiency.

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People sat on the grass, putting hands and feet together to make a circle

Outdoor Church

Whether you’re thinking of starting outdoor worship for the first time, or have been leading worship outdoors for years, these resources could be the inspiration you’ve been looking for. 

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Plant shoots growing out of the soil


In March 2021 the Peterborough Diocesan Synod committed to becoming net carbon zero by 2030. Our Diocesan Environmental Policy and the Model Parish Environmental Policy reflect that commitment.

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People sat on the grass, putting hands and feet together to make a circle

Maintenance on church buildings

Regular, cyclical maintenance can make a significant difference to the carbon footprint of church buildings. 

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Contact the Team 

Environment Lead

The Rt Revd John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth

Diocesan Environment Officer

Canon Dr Peter Brotherton

Office Contact

Joanna Ormston


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