Children and Youth Ministry Training

Express an Interest in New-Look Training

Watch this video by Charlotte Nobbs to find out more 

Complete our Children's Ministry Survey here

Please contact Charlotte Nobbs  to express an interest in the new-look resourcing in the New Year.

Children’s Ministry Training Autumn 2024

Find out about JOIN  

Would your church like to recruit more volunteers to lead children’s and youth work? The JOIN resources offer a toolkit for our local churches to plan and run a successful recruitment campaign.
Attend an online conversation to look through the free resources, films, posters and how you might run this campaign in your churches hosted by Charlotte Nobbs of the Gen2 Team Thursday 19th September, 2-3pm or 7:30-8:30pm 
Click here to book 



Children's Ministry Training Promo video

Simply Christmas 

Push-start your Christmas planning here, with top tips on sharing the Christmas story, and a focus on how we can continue to build relationships from Christmas into the New Year ahead: 

Join us online, Thursday 3rd October 1-2pm or 7:30-8:30pm hosted by Charlotte Nobbs and the Children's Ministry Training team. 
Click here to book


Do you need to provide some quality up-to-date, fun and interesting safeguarding training for your church?  Why not join SAFER – an hour and a half’s training hosted by Charlotte Nobbs and volunteers and workers from local churches.  We offer easy steps to help you, your PCC, and anyone in your church who is involved in ministry with children.  

Accompanying this is a downloadable, easy-to-follow guide, with sensible steps to ensure that you have kept your children in your care, and your volunteer,s safe.  We will share a tool kit of editable resources from risk assessments, volunteer agreements, stories from experience and even some songs!
Date to follow soon!
Booking will be through Eventbrite


Local Resourcing and Training

If you want to gather people from your benefice to develop your reach to children, young people and families, we can come and work with you.  This may be over a Saturday brunch in someone’s home, or over coffee and cake in a church hall one evening, or a benefice or PCC vision day. 
You might be wanting to consider:
• How we focus on children when our congregations are aging?
• Top tips to ensure that our church worship is engaging and accessible for all ages and backgrounds?
• How our churches can help children start a journey of faith that they want to stick with though teens and into adulthood
• How our churches grow thriving and sustainable teams to support children, young people and families
• Or something else – Just let us know
 Please contact Charlotte or Chad if you are interested or 

Visiting Examples of Good Practice 

Church is not just about Sundays.  Our churches make many connections with children and families during the week, going to the places where they are.  The Growing Faith Adventure describes this interconnection where children are supported through church-school-home.  This may be through taking cakes for the staff at the local school every term, or helping the toddler group families get ready for school in September, or running a family day in the local park.  Perhaps you would like to visit an example of this to give you some ideas for your own setting.  If so, please let us know to arrange a visit.

Here are some ideas:

A rural toddler group
An outside church in a pocket park
An intergenerational coffee morning
A school happiness club
Intergenerational services that attract the local school families
Messy church
An urban toddler group
Forest church
An intergenerational Sunday church service
Anything else?
Just let us know what you would like to see, and we will see if we can find you a good match.  Contact

Support and Resources for Children and Youth ministry 









Download the Guide to Children's Ministry Training here

To find out more, please contact Charlotte Nobbs, 


After School Happiness Club Training

Would you like to bless your school by supporting them in developing the wellbeing of children in your community?

After a successful pilot to run After School Happiness Clubs last year, the Peterborough Diocese Gen2 Children and Youth team, in partnership with Action for Happiness, are pleased to be offering FREE training that will prepare you to run your club in school in readiness for the Autumn term in your local school.

As some of last year’s trainees said:

“The materials and resources provided were excellent and the Padlet [a shared online resources board] with additional resources meant that there is plenty of stuff to run the group without having to search for things which is fantastic, especially for those who are not children's workers, it allows everyone to share resources.”

“The children have engaged amazingly with the activities and mindful activities. One of the girls in particular has said she has used a couple of the mindful activities to help her when she became anxious on the school residential. Another child was so excited by the curious conversation task; she took the cards to help her make friends at senior school in September.”

For more information contact:

For information and resources visit the Action for Happiness website

Youth Ministry Training 2023-2024

The WHAT, the WHY and the HOW.

Youth Ministry Training for 2023-24!

WHAT: We'll take a look at 20 crucial aspects of youth ministry over 10 events throughout the year:


After a keynote talk, you'll have the oppportunity to choose between two different workshops and learning styles.

WHY: Put on your theological thinking caps as we take a deep dive into the topic and ask the big questions together. Why does this matter? What does the Bible say? How should we respond? There will be the opportunity to share your thoughts with others and learn together in this interactive discussion.

HOW: How do we apply what we've learned? This experiential workshop will lead you step-by-step through key skills in youth ministry. How do I plan a Bible study that will engage young people? How do I support a young person who is being bullied? Come along for practical advice and support. We might even give away a free resource or two along the way!

And that's not all!

We know what a lifeline it can be sitting down with other youth workers and volunteers to discuss how things are going. That's why each evening begins with a hearty cooked meal and ends with a time of worship and prayer.

Places are available for the following sessions so don't miss on today! 

8 July - Misson & Evangelism 

Email Chad Chadwick for more information


The Diocese of Peterborough Gen2 Team have brought together a group of 7 children's and youth ministry volunteers from across the Diocese to take part in a brand new nationally accredited pilot training course, delivered by Ridley Hall (Cambridge), and facilitated locally by Charlotte Nobbs and Chad Chadwick (Children & Youth Mission Enablers). Catalyst is a dynamic course which aims to equip and connect those who work with children and young people. It is free and fully funded by the Church of England. For more information take a look at the website or contact Chad or Charlotte


You can borrow resources to support you in your training. For more information visit the Children and Youth Library page.

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