Step 1: Prayer

Create a Prayerful Culture of Growth

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Matthew 6 v 10

A Holy Ache

What is it you long for in your church and community? What would God’s kingdom coming look like in our church, in our village or town?

You may have no idea how these dreams could come true but that ache for something more is the starting place - a God given desire that things will be different, will be better.

LyCiG is built on three pillars: Desire, Plan and Act (DNA)

Desire is essential; it is the energy without which the best laid plans will come to nothing. 

How much desire do you have? How could you deepen desire in yourself and awaken it in others? 




Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4 v 6

We may feel powerless to effect growth or see our desires come to pass but we have an all-powerful God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us – Ephesians 3 v 20

So the first step in Leading Your Church into Growth is PRAYER. 


LyCiG Prayer for Growth

God of Mission 

Who alone brings growth to your Church, 

Send your Holy Spirit to give 

Vision to our planning, 

Wisdom to our actions, 

And power to our witness. 

Help our church to grow in numbers, 

In spiritual commitment to you, 

And in service to our local community, 

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Using the Prayer For Growth

It’s said that you can tell what someone values by what they pray for, but also that when we pray God changes us (the pray-er) as well.

Many churches use the above Prayer For Growth as part of their weekly intercessions, and at the start of PCC meetings.

How can you develop patterns of prayer for growth?

Prayer Walking 

Watch this video about prayer walking and see how easy it can be to create a prayerful culture of growth. Or download this simple guide. 



Other Prayer Resources

Thy Kingdom Come 18th - 28th May 2023

This excellent prayer initiative takes place each year between Ascension and Pentecost. It has great resources and can be a good way to help deepen prayer in your church.

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