Gen2 Project

 Our vision is to see increasing numbers of children, young people and families fully involved in the life and mission of local churches.


The Gen2 Project is a £1.1m investment from the Church Commissioner’s Strategic Development Fund over 6 years, 2018-2024.

It aimed at changing church culture to prioritise younger generations and see them as fellow disciples, journeying together in the way of Jesus. The project sought to create a pathway of high quality training and employment for children, youth and family workers to develop innovative mission and discipleship that can be replicated across the deaneries in which they work. 

Gen 2 Project Small Grants

As the Gen2 Project nears its designated end, its Board has agreed to change the project’s outcomes and purpose to allow remaining funds to be available as grants to churches seeking to invest in children and young people within their community. 

The offer is for small grants  from £100 up to £5000 to be made available as pilot seed funding to support the development and continuation of work with children and young people across Peterborough Diocese, including intergenerational work.

Grants will be given to parishes/benefices/projects within Peterborough Diocese which fulfil key criteria: 
1.   Work with children and young people in the context of church, school and home – including intergenerational work and/or partnerships with schools/organisations.
2.   Have a clear plan to start, or have a momentum in, work with C&YP which will benefit from further investment.

In our grant making we will seek to reach all traditions and regions of the Diocese, as well as represent its diversity. Priority will be given to work in deprived areas – as indicated in the Church Urban Fund (CUF) Look Up Tool. However, all churches are welcome to apply for children and young people funding as per the guidance above. Please note that applicants of grants over £500, not located in deprived areas, in some cases may be asked to provide some match funding depending on the value and aims of the application. In this case, please to contact the Gen2 Team at to discuss your project.

Please download our Grant Criteria Examples letter for ideas of what the grant could be used for. This is not an exhaustive list and we are open to hear any new proposals as per guidance above.

How to Apply

Applications for grants will be accepted from 15th April and there is no deadline, however, please note funds are limited and grants will be processed as they are received. No multi-year grants are available at this time.

Two online application forms will be available to facilitate grant making:

Form A for applications up to £500 

Form B for applications between £500 and £5000. These applications require that the applicant contact the Gen2 Team to discuss your proposal prior to submission.

Application Form: Applicants will need to complete the project application form (above).

Project Proposal: On your application form please outline the intended use of funds, including the purpose of project, expected outcomes, and how this aligns with the parish/benefice mission with children and young people and/or intergenerational work.

Grant Disbursement: Successful applicants will be required to sign a grant agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the funding. Disbursements will be made in accordance with an agreed-upon schedule. 

Financial Management, Reporting and Feasibility: We will require reporting on activity and impact, as well as a budget, with details proportionate to the level of funding. In addition, if applying for a grant towards a staff member, a job description and plans for the financial sustainability of the post will need to be provided.

We will collect a baseline for the organisation current work and request a brief progress report, with photographs, 6 months after the receipt of the first grant. For grants larger than £500 we will also ask for a report after a year of receiving the grant. The applicant will agree to collaborate with our communications team so the stories of the impact of the grant can be advertised.

Compliance: All applicants must adhere to relevant UK legislation, including but not limited to safeguarding laws, equality and diversity regulations, and employment legislation; ensuring a safe and fair working environment for all involved parties. All applications need to show written evidence of PCC support.

Funding Decision: – will be made by the Gen2 Team, within 4 weeks of application receipt.

For all information and queries regarding Gen 2 Project Grants please contact Monica Isaacs

Read the 2023-4 Gen2 Project Annual Report here

Contact the Team

All queries regarding grants should be made to Monica Isaacs.

Gen2 Project & Grants Co-ordinator 
Monica Isaacs


Gen2 Mission Enabler - Growing Faith - Schools 
Clarie Barber



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