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Latest News

Our Mission Team is here to serve you and your parish

23rd July 2024

Meet the Diocesan Mission Team and the support and resources they can provide....

Welcoming David Morton

19th July 2024

We are delighted to welcome David Morton to our Vocation and Formation Team as Lay Ministries Officer....

Peterborough Diocese to launch four new worshipping communities

11th July 2024

Peterborough Diocese is pleased to launch four new worshipping communities as part of the Church of England’s vision of becoming younger and more diverse....

Upcoming Events

Celebration of 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women

A Eucharist Service at the Cathedral to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood....

Explore Day - 30 November 2024

An informal event for anybody looking to serve in the church and discerning their calling. Come along to discuss all the different options available....

Let's Go For A Walk...

Outdoor church gathering 7th September 2024 at Launde Abbey 09:30h - 13:30h (with an optional afternoon retreat) £12 (including soup & roll lunch) £10 Early Bird tickets (available before 6th July) £8 Young Leaders aged 14-18 (attend with an adult)...

Daily Cycle of Prayer

Diocesan Mothers’ Union
Please pray for the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Peterborough, for the Diocesan President, Helen Lynett, the Trustees and all members who are working with clergy, and our project work in the local prisons to see God’s Kingdom Come here. Amen.

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